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New Study Shows Your Mood Is a Contagious Disease?
Are you in a bad mood today? There’s a chance you picked it up from a friend or family member the same way you would catch a cold! A new...

The Formula for a Happier Day
“When will I ever use this again?” We all know that question. We thought it a million times in junior high and high school. I know that I...

Dodging Raindrops
The other day my family and I were out for an evening walk. As we headed home, dark clouds started rolling in and we knew we probably...

The Revolution of Man
This past weekend the United States of America celebrated the 238th anniversary of its independence from England. I know I have readers...

The Rise of Your Empire – Building on Your Best
In the fifth century BC the Greeks and Persians had a series of major battles which basically determined the lasting success of a new...

The Skill of Self-Confidence
I found this Ted talk today and really enjoyed it. It is about the skill of self-confidence. Most people think you are either born with...

7 Reasons Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How to Fix Them
A very important thing to consider is what aspect of your life this affects. A lot of people make resolutions that can better their...

Laugh, and the World Laughs with You
It may sound like a depressing story for a “Motivated Monday” post but it is significant in that it teaches us that when we work to be...

7 Ways to Have an Amazing Day
What if at the end of the day there was the possibility of a pop quiz? What if someone came in and said, “Get a pencil and paper out and...

Kites, Kids, and the 2 Necessities for Success
“Let’s cut the string and watch it fly away!” I tried to explain to him that it might not work the way he was hoping but he was adamant...

Pulling the Trigger – Start Making Those Tough Decisions
Have you ever been really excited about a new opportunity but never were able to pull the trigger and go for it? Was it because of fear,...

Motivated Monday – Invictus
This week I wanted to share one of my favorite poems of all time, “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. I first encountered this poem in...

Passing Through Life’s Storms
For the first 10 miles of he ride,everything was perfect and I really enjoyed the cool morning air. Then the streets started getting...

Motivated Monday – Hoe to the End of the Row
Today’s Motivated Monday poem is all about work and giving a little bit more effort than what is required. In his book 212 Degrees, Mac...

Whipping the Sea – Where Do You Place the Blame?
In order to get his army over to Greece by land he had to build a bridge over a strait of water called the Hellespont. His engineers...

You Create Your Own Opportunities
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The Two Most Important Things You Can Control
What can we really control in life? Individually, we can’t control the economy, the weather, the performance of our favorite sports team,...

Worth More Than Diamonds?
Back in college I took a geology class because I was looking for an easy way to fulfill a science requirement. The class was interesting...

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