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Why Are Amnesiacs More Successful?
New York Jets. Both quarterbacks played horribly on Sunday, to the extent that Sanchez was benched and Lindley has been deemed the worst...

1 Step to Success
So is there a formula for achieving success that works for everyone? Yes there is! It is a universal formula that works no matter how you...

Let It Go! A Parable for Reducing Stress
Finally, the day came for me to pitch in my first game. I was nervous but so excited as I walked up to the pitcher’s mound. I still...

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Does Your Birthday Determine Your Success?
I’ve got a birthday coming up tomorrow and as I was thinking about birthdays I was reminded of a story told by Zig Ziglar that I have...

The Important Things
You’ve probably heard this story before but I think it is a good one to repeat because of the profound meaning it has for our lives: A...

Optimism, Perspective and African Shoes
Perspective is a funny thing. It really defines our view of life and the events that happen every day. You will perhaps have heard this...

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