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Jim Carrey’s Advice on Life – Take A Chance on What You Love
Came across this great video clip of Jim Carrey sharing advice with graduates. Probably the best minute I spent today! Enjoy! Share this:...

Motivated Monday – What Constitutes Success
In 1905 a Boston magazine held a contest asking people to send in an essay about what constitutes success. A Kansas housewife named...

Passing Through Life’s Storms
For the first 10 miles of he ride,everything was perfect and I really enjoyed the cool morning air. Then the streets started getting...

Motivated Monday! – Playing the Game
Remember to write down your goals for this week today. It is amazing how much more you can get done with written goals! Make your game...

Makes Someone’s Life Better
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What if money was no object?
This is such a hard principle to teach people because we have been programmed to think of success and satisfaction completely backwards. ...

I’ve Learned…
that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned- that no...

Live Today!
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Life’s Instructions
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50 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned When I Was Young
This morning I came across this list shared by an older gentleman who had actually lived a pretty amazing life. His insights are...

76 Quotes to Make You Think
I found this list of quotes this morning on and I thought they were great to share. Remember, they are just interesting words...

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